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Half of US Women (Age 30-35) Report Early Menopause - What You Can Do About It

Writer's picture: Christian ElliotChristian Elliot

I'm not often shocked by health statistics these days.

(The last time that happened is when Dr. Vliet dropped these statistics on me in this interview)

...But the headline below (and this study) arrested my attention. WHAT!

I knew men's sperm counts have been falling off a cliff (see this article from 2003), but I didn't realize how much the problem of early menopause had grown.

It makes sense that what is happening to male fertility is also happening to female fertility.

But still, wow, early menopause at age 30!

The article/photo is from from G. Edward Griffen's newsletter.
Click the image to read the original article from G. Edward Griffin's "Need to Know" Newsletter

I first came across this story on G. Edward Griffin's website. Below is the relevant excerpt he took from Raw Egg Nationalist with my comments interspersed in red and emphasis in bold.

“So what’s causing this? Why is this happening?

Although the survey doesn’t discuss the causes of its findings (of course it didn't, why talk about root causes when medicine can prescribe treatments!), other studies have linked early menopause to exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, a pervasive class of chemicals that are found in everything from personal-care products to food packaging.

study from 2012 (see, there used to be an interest in where these problems are coming from.) showed a clear link between levels of exposure to endocrine disruptors and age of menopause onset.

“The researchers looked at the levels of numerous EDCs [endocrine-disrupting chemicals] in the blood or urine (Side note: I still haven't gotten my head around how those who promote urine therapy--literally drinking your own pee--continue to make the claim that urine is not a waste product) of 5,700 women through a secondary analysis of the US National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database.

Those with the highest amounts of phthalates and PCBs [two very common types of endocrine-disrupting chemical] went through menopause an average of 2.5 years before the others.”

There have been a wide range of studies showing associations between particular chemicals, like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and early menopause, as well as studies that demonstrate the mechanisms by which such chemicals are likely to disturb the menstrual cycle.


For example, one study showed a clear link between levels of PFOA (a PFAS chemical) and cycle length. Women with the highest levels of PFOA exposure had significantly higher odds for longer cycles than women with the lowest levels.

Studies have also shown that endocrine-disruptors can disrupt the function of ovarian follicles, which are involved in the production of the hormones that govern menstruation.

Endocrine disruptors are a serious problem for both sexes.

This is why I say “the end of men is the end of women,” borrowing the title of the 2022 Tucker Carlson documentary I starred in alongside Robert F. Kennedy Jr. That documentary focused mainly on men’s health and falling testosterone levels and sperm counts as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals like PFAS. But everything I said there about endocrine disruptors and their dreadful effects on male health is true for women too.

There’s been a lot of focus in recent years on a potential “spermageddon” scenario, in which sperm counts continue to fall on their current trajectory and within decades it becomes impossible for reproduction to occur by natural means. Such a scenario grabs headlines for obvious reasons. But the decline in women’s reproductive health is no less stunning or grave.”

End quote...and here is an...


"In the study experts, working with period tracking app Flo, asked almost 4,500 women to take a standard medical menopause symptoms test.

Analysing (Brits still struggle with where to use "s" vs. "z") the results the authors found 55.4 per cent of women aged 30 to 35 who took the test (1,127 women) scored high enough to meet the criteria for suffering moderate or severe menopause symptoms. 

This figure rose to 64.3 per cent among women aged 36 to 40, still well before the average age of the perimenopause." Which was believed to be age 47.

Liudmila Zhaunova, director of science at Flo, added that the findings warranted further research (of course it did...scientists always want to keep researching. I can't tell you how many books I've read where the author says "The research is still in its infancy." Cowbell. We need more cowbell. I mean "Research! We need more research!" Do we?) to help these young women get the treatment (When you read the word "treatment," read "money-making intervention." There's nothing wrong with making money, but we can question the method by which it's made.) they needed."   

End quote.


Guess how many practical suggestions The Raw Egg Nationalist, and The Daily Mail gave the readers.

None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Stinks to be you. Figure it out, or just keep waiting for the "research."

Let's review.

  1. We've had obvious problems with toxicity for decades.

  2. In 2012 we have plenty of evidence of endocrine disruption from chemicals.

  3. We need more research to come up with treatments for women in early menopause?

Um, maybe I'm prone to oversimplification here but maybe we don't need more research on TREATMENTS, maybe (if we need more research at all) we need research on how to eliminate these chemicals from our environments and our bodies.

Or we could just keep playing symptom whack-a-mole...with more treatment/chemicals.

Face. Palm.

Maybe we could help (men and women's) fertility/endocrine system if we taught them how to cut off the toxic influx, clean out the toxins already inside, and nourish the body back to health.

What a concept.

Turns out it works!

Carrie came to us in November of 2024 after she had been bleeding heavily for months. She had head-to-toe eczema since childhood, and her energy was so low she could barely function. She had surgery scheduled to "fix" the problem.

Fast forward THREE months

  1. She lost 36 lbs.

  2. Her energy is soaring.

  3. Her bleeding stopped.

  4. Her eczema is reduced to her forearms.

Oh, and the best part is, she CANCELED the surgery she had scheduled for the doctor to mutilate her uterus.

Guess how many "treatments" we suggested.


All we did was...

  1. Change what she eats.

  2. Educated her about detox.

  3. Taught her how to fast.

Friends, if we keep "waiting for the science" we could be waiting a really long time.

The path for healing isn't going to come out of a test tube or laboratory. It's only going to come when you change a few key habits.

Carrie's life is forever changed. She gets to keep all her female parts intact and skip a lifetime of hormone interventions due to altered biology. She has a new lease on life.

She wasn't a lost cause. She was full of toxins.

We can't help everyone, but for people ready to embrace healing (not treatment), what we teach can be a game changer.

If you want to know why healing has eluded you, check out my free miniseries Why You Don't Heal Like You Used To--And the Foundational Solutions No One is Talking About

If you want to see an overview of our detox programs you can click here.

Until next time, reduce your toxic burden, and never give up hope,


PS. Carrie and her family joined us for the 8-Week Accelerated Detox. Maybe you can be our next transformation story.

*WARNING: The Healing United PMA app does not include creepy tracking tech, data mining, selling your information, internet trolls, or censorship. 

About Me
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You could call me a natural health thinker. I'm a husband and father of six. I sometimes wear funny-looking toe shoes. I wear out podcasts and audiobooks faster than people can make them. I get paid to ask thoughtful questions and love writing and speaking about a wide range of topics.


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